“Consistency is key.” This mantra has been drilled into our heads, especially in the era of social media influencers and YouTubers. But what if our relentless pursuit of consistency is costing us something far more valuable: quality?

We’ve become obsessed with regularity, with churning out content like clockwork, fearing that any deviation from our rigid schedules will send followers fleeing. However, in our fixation on consistency, we risk diluting the quality of our work.

Let’s take a step back and remember why we started creating in the first place: to offer something unique, to touch people with our insights or stories. Isn’t it better to give audiences a well-crafted novel that took years to perfect than a hastily written monthly release?

The drive for consistency has become synonymous with hustle culture — always be producing, always be working. But at what cost? The constant grind can lead to burnout, and that guarantees 0 consistency.

The solution lies in finding the middle ground. A sustainable schedule that values both quality and consistency is key. Leveraging AI where beneficial can lighten the load but should not replace human creativity.

So let’s reconsider the mantra: Consistency is important, yes. But not when it compromises quality or wellbeing. Let’s aim for consistent quality instead of consistently mediocre output — now that’s a motto worth living by!