Mistral has launched its latest AI model, Mistral Large, boasting enhanced reasoning and multilingual capabilities.

My key question: Is Mistral Large more adept at writing semi-complicated Python scripts than its competitor, GPT-4?

I did a straightforward, non-scientific test (have two chats with it) to determine the models’ proficiency in generating Python code with specific instructions.


GPT-4 maintains its edge in accurately writing Python scripts that adhere to the given instructions.

Mistral’s introduction of both Mistral Large and Mistral Small models marks a significant step in their commitment to providing versatile AI solutions and provides healthy competition.

Mistral Large’s performance in various benchmarks highlights its potential in multiple domains, even as it falls short in direct comparison with GPT-4 for most things.

The company has also announced partnerships and plans for future enhancements, including improvements in function calling and JSON formatting, promising a comprehensive toolset for developers and organizations.

Good to see - but not a true shakeup.